UAS Research


& Fabrication Services

Where ideas take flight.

Windy Hill Aeronautics is all about the joy, wonder, and exhilaration of making things fly. With over 40 years of building flying machines, Windy Hill Aero transforms ideas into reality.

We specialize in low-cost, proof of concept design, fabrication, and flight testing. We spread our love of aviation through community outreach and education.


Contact Us

Windy Hill

26 Riverside Dr, Ext

Norwood, NY 13668

Make Dreams Happen.



With a collection of fixed-wing and quad rotor drones, we can help proof-of-concept your UAV ideas for minimal outlay - because we love anything that flies.



With decades of modeling experience, we can quickly move ideas from thought to paper to the air. We specialize in creative solutions and adaptive re-use for rapid development and testing.



This is where ideas really take flight. We can quickly and affordably turn your creations into prototypes for aerial testing. Using common materials and low-cost electronics, we can quickly get your dreams off the ground.

Isn't it astonishing that all these secrets have been preserved for so many years just so we could discover them!

– Orville Wright